The ctx text format is a direct serialization of the ctx drawing API. This protocol permits sending rendering commands over serial, ptys and other forms of network - enabling remote and/or sandboxed rendering.
When used in the ctx terminal, the ctx rendering mode is entered by issuing the escape sequence \e[?200h this makes the terminal interpret commands for a ctx context created for the line the cursor currently is in. You should send a : first, to start the frame, and X + white space to end the sequence.
Starting point simple printing wrappers for ctx.bash, test.nim ctx2d.nim and provide ways to experiment with terminal apps in these languages, the bash wrapper is most complete in that it also incorporates events, none of these do images/textures yet. The simulators for flow3r and tildagon badges have a more complete python wrappers as part of the simulator.
The bash example, renders an analog clock without using any binding that scales with the terminal window, for more examples of the ctx syntax in practice see the rendering test gallery.
#!/bin/bash echo -ne "\e[?1049h" # alt-screen on echo -ne "\e[?25l" # text-cursor off function cleanup { echo -ne " X " # leave ctx mode; in case we're there echo -ne "\e[?1049l" # alt-screen off echo -ne "\e[?25h" # text-cursor on } trap cleanup EXIT # restore terminal state on ctrl+c and regular exit for a in b{1..1000}; do hour_radians=`bc <<<"scale=3;(($(date +%H|sed 's/^0//')+($(date +%M|sed s'/^6//')/60.0))/12.0+0.75)*3.14152*2"` minute_radians=`bc <<<"scale=3;($(date +%M|sed 's/^0//')/60.0+0.75)*3.14152*2"` second_radians=`bc <<<"scale=3;($(date +%S|sed 's/^0//')/60.0+0.75)*3.14152*2"` radius=45 echo -ne "\e[2J\e[H" # clear screen and go to top left corner echo -e "\e[?200h" # enter ctx mode _ rgba 1 1 1 0.5 arc 50% 50% $radius% 0.0 6.4 0 lineWidth $((radius/10))% stroke lineCap round moveTo 50% 50% arc 50% 50% $(($radius * 70 / 100))% $minute_radians $minute_radians 0 moveTo 50% 50% arc 50% 50% $(($radius * 50 / 100))% $hour_radians $hour_radians 0 stroke lineWidth $((radius/40))% moveTo 50% 50% arc 50% 50% $((radius * 90 / 100))% $second_radians $second_radians 0 _ rgba 1 0.1 0.1 1 stroke done "; sleep 0.1; done
This format maps to the C API if you turn camelCase into snake_case, and prefix each command with ctx_.
When a keyword is parsed the parser expects a series of commands of the same type, following arguments will be consumed in chunks as the number of arguments fill up, until a command change. Each command also has a short one-byte long name, where applicable these match the SVG path data format.
command | argument(s) | |
gray | gray | sets gray source, and color model |
graya | gray alpha | sets gray alpha source, and color model |
rgb | r g b | sets rgb source |
rgba | r g b a | rgb alpha color source |
cmyk | c m y k | cmyk color source |
cmyka | c m y k a | cmyk alpha color source |
drgb | r g b | sets rgb source, in device space |
drgba | r g b a | rgb alpha color source, in device space |
dcmyk | c m y k | cmyk color source, in device space |
dcmyka | c m y k a | cmyk alpha color source, in device space |
a relArcTo | xr yr rotation large sweep x y | |
b clip | ||
c relCurveTo | rcx0 rcy0 rcx1 rcy1 x y | |
d lineDash | 1-N | specify stroke dashing pattern, empty to reset |
f linearGradient | x0 y0 x1 y1 | |
g save | ||
h relHorLine | x | |
i texture | "eid" x y | sets active texture at offset x, y - can be used after defineTexture in and in frames immediately after other frames where the texture has been used. |
ka globalAlpha | alpha | |
kb textBaseline | alphabetic | top | bottom | middle | hanging | ideographic | |
kB blendMode | normal | multiply | screen | overlay | darken | lighten | colorDodge | colorBurn | hardLight | softLight | difference | exclusion | hue | saturation | color | luminosity | divide | addition | subtract | |
kc lineCap cap | none | round | square | |
ke extend extendMode | none | pad | reflect | repeat | |
kD lineDashOffset | phase | floating point value in same units as dashes |
kf fontSize | font_size | |
kj lineJoin join | bevel | round | miter | 0 1 or 2 are also valid values |
kl miterLimit | miter_limit | |
km compositingMode | sourceOver | copy | clear | sourceIn | sourceOut | sourceAtop | destinationOver | destination | destinationIn | destination_out | destinationAtop | xor | |
kt textAlign | start | end | center | left | right | |
kw lineWidth | line_width | |
kS imageSmoothing | 0|1 | Defaults to 1, when 0 nearest neighbor resampling is used. |
l relLineTo | x y | |
m relMoveTo | x y | |
n font | "font name" | |
o radialGradient | 6 | |
p gradientAddStop addStop | pos R G B A | arguments depend on current color model, you can change the color model without setting a color by specifying a color without arguments. |
q relQuadTo | cx cy x y | |
r rectangle rect | x y width height | |
s relSmoothTo | cx cy x y | |
t relSmoothQuadTo | x y | |
u stroke | ||
v relVerLine | y | |
w glyph | unichar | draws a single unicode character, the character no is currently passed in as decimal. (might be made internal), since a text string duplicates the API. |
x fillText | "utf8-string" | kerning | Interspersed with utf8 sequences of text numbers can appear that shift the horizontal position. |
y identity | ||
z closePath | special cased in tokenizer so that it does not need whitespace separting it from a following command word, this occurs in minimized SVG paths with subpaths folling close-path. | |
A arcTo | xr yr rotation large sweep x1 y1 | |
B arc | x y radius angle1 angle2 direction | |
C curveTo | cx1 cy1 cx2 cy2 x y | |
D paint | ||
F fill | ||
G restore | ||
H horLineTo | x | |
I defineTexture | "eid" width height format ~a85encodedpixels~ | defines a texture, for now format is an integer that for 1-4 corresponds to GRAY8, GRAYA8, RGB8 and RGBA8, higher integer values correspond to the pixel formats used internally in ctx; but the protocol does as of yet not have a way to refer to pixelformat by a non-integer values. |
J rotate | radians | |
L lineTo | x y | |
M moveTo | x y | |
N resetPath | ||
O scale | scale_x scale_y | |
Q quadTo | cx cy x y | |
S smoothTo | cx cy x y | |
T smoothQuadTo | x y | |
U reset | ||
V verLineTo | y | |
W transform | a b c d e f g h i | applies the transformation matrix |
: startFrame | the start of a new frame/drawing | |
X endFrame | end of frame corresponding to a previous startFrame | |
roundRectangle | x y width nheight radius | |
Y translate | x y | |
Z closePath | the note for z also applies to Z | |
] colorSpace | userRGB|userCMYK ~a85encoded icc profile~ | sets the color space of a given space in rasterizer. |
_ strokeSource | The following source definition (color, gradient or texture) applies to stroking. | |
{ startGroup | starts a compositing group | |
} endGroup | ends a compositing group, and blends and composites it with the content before the group using the now current compositing mode, blending mode and global alpha. |
The language consists of a stream of words, numbers and strings, optionally separated by white space. The characters ,=(); are also treated as white-space. Words are substrings consisting of one or more characters in the ranges a-z and A-Z. Numbers are sequences of 0-9. Numbers can be followed by the suffixes % or @, indicating that units of percent canvas width/height should be used or a global em / cell-size. ^ is equivalent to CSS vh, and ~ vw, this can be used to override the automatic choice done by %, which favors height for dimensions that are independent of x/y like lineWidth and shadowBlur. Strings are raw binary UTF8 contained in ' or " pairs. "\n\r" etc from C are available for escaping newlines, though they can also be directly included in the string. # introduces a comment and the rest of the line is ignored.
Blobs are represented as strings using a85 ~~ as quotemarks.
Internally the core datastructure of ctx is a binary variant of this protocol. Stored in chunks of 9 bytes of code + data, the various backends consume chunks of this position independent commandstream.
The binary version is less stable, and depending on configuration options ctx might use different serialization.
Below is the start of one of the fonts in ctx in this binary form, annotated with comments.
#ifndef CTX_FONT_Roboto_Regular /* glyph index: !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghi jklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔ ÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿŁπ“”•…€™−≈␣fffiflffifflſt */ static const struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {uint8_t code; uint32_t a; uint32_t b;} ctx_font_Roboto_Regular[]={ {15, 0x0000a008, 0x000012e5},/* length:4837 CTX_SUBDIV:8 CTX_BAKE_FONT_SIZE:160 */ {'(', 0x00000008, 0x00000001},/* Roboto*/ {32, 0x6f626f52, 0x00006f74}, {')', 0x00000008, 0x00000001}, {'(', 0x0000004b, 0x00000009},/* Apache Licence, Version 2.0 Copyright 2014 Christian Robertson - Apache 2*/ {32, 0x63617041, 0x4c206568}, {'i', 0x636e6563, 0x56202c65}, {'e', 0x6f697372, 0x2e32206e}, {'0', 0x706f430a, 0x67697279}, {'h', 0x30322074, 0x43203431}, {'h', 0x74736972, 0x206e6169}, {'R', 0x7265626f, 0x6e6f7374}, {32, 0x7041202d, 0x65686361}, {32, 0x00000032, 0x00000000}, {')', 0x0000004b, 0x00000009}, {'@', 0x00000020, 0x000021dd},/* x-advance: 33.863281 */ {'@', 0x00000021, 0x00002333},/* ! x-advance: 35.199219 */ {'M', 0x41c08889, 0xc2c22223}, {'l', 0xbf5ddde0, 0x428b5556}, {'4', 0x0000ffa7, 0xfdd3fff9}, {'6', 0x00000067, 0x02d6ff96}, {'8', 0xd80ee800, 0xf02bf00e}, {'8', 0x102b001c, 0x280f100f}, {'8', 0x27f11600, 0x10d510f2}, {'8', 0xf0d500e4, 0xd9f2f0f2}, {'@', 0x00000022, 0x00002bbb},/* " x-advance: 43.730469 */ {'M', 0x41944445, 0xc2baaaab}, {'l', 0xc0000000, 0x41be6664}, {'l', 0xc0ecccce, 0x00000000}, {'4', 0xfefa0000, 0x0000004b},