\aBELwarning bell
\bBSback space
\tHThorizontal tab
\nLFline feed
\rCRcarriage return
\e[PnSPsDECSWBV Set warning bell volume
\e[6nDSR cursor position report, yields a reply \e[Pl;PcR
\e[?6nDEXCPR extended cursor position report, yields a reply \e[Pl;PcR
\eDIND Index
\eE Next line
\eHHTS Horizontal Tab Set
\eMRI Reverse Index
\e[0FJFY disable justification and wordwrap
\e[1FJFY enable wordwrap
\e[PnACUU Cursor Up
\e[PnBCUD Cursor Down
\e[PnCCUF Cursor Forward
\e[PnDCUB Cursor Backward
\e[PnjHPB Horizontal Position Backward
\e[PnkVPB Vertical Position Backward
\e[PnECNL Cursor Next Line
\e[PnFCPL Cursor Preceding Line
\e[PnGCHA Cursor Horizontal Absolute
\e[Pl;PcHCUP Cursor Position
\e[PnICHT Cursor Horizontal Forward Tabulation
\e[PsJED Erase in Display
\e[PsKEL Erase in Line
\e[PnLIL Insert Line
\e[PnMDL Delete Line
\e[PnPDCH Delete Character
\e[PnSSU Scroll Up
\e[PnTSD Scroll Down
\e[PnXECH Erase Character
\e[PnZCBT Cursor Backward Tabulation
\e[Pn@ICH Insert Character
\e[PnaHPR Horizontal Position Relative
\e[...cDA args:... Device Attributes
\e[PndVPA Vertical Position Absolute
\e[PneVPR Vertical Position Relative
\e[Pl;PcfHVP Cursor Position
\e[gTBC clear current tab
\e[0gTBC clear current tab
\e[3gTBC clear all tabs
\e[Ps;Ps;..mSGR Select Graphics Rendition
\e[...nDSR args:... CPR Cursor Position Report
\e[Pt;PbrDECSTBM Set Top and Bottom Margins
\e[sSCP Save Cursor Position
\e[uRCP Restore Cursor Position
\e[Pl;PrsDECSLRM Set Left and Right Margins
\e[Pn`HPA Horizontal Position Absolute
\e[PnhSM Set Mode
\e[PnlRM Reset Mode
\e[PsqDECLL Load LEDs
\e[zDECELR set locator res
\e6DECBI Back index (hor. scroll)
\e7DECSC Save Cursor
\e8DECRC Restore Cursor
\e9DECFI Forward index (hor. scroll)
\e#3DECDHL Top half of double-width, double-height line
\e#4DECDHL Bottom half of double-width, double-height line
\e#5DECSWL Single-width line
\e#6DECDWL Double-width line
\e#8DECALN Screen Alignment Pattern
\ecRIS Reset to Initial State
\e[Pa$pDECRQM Request ANSI Mode
\e[?Pd$pDECRQM Request DEC Mode
\e]0;New_title\e\ set window title
\e]11; get foreground color
\e]11; get background color
\e]1337;key=value:base64data\b\ iterm2 graphics
\e_G..\e\ kitty graphics
\e_A..\e\ atty audio input/output
\ePsixel_data\e\ sixels
\e[?1h DECCKMCursor key mode Application
\e[?1l DECCKMCursor key mode Cursor
\e[?2h DECANMVT52 emulation on
\e[?2l DECANMVT52 emulation off
\e[?3h DECCOLMColumn mode 132 columns
\e[?3l DECCOLMColumn mode 80 columns
\e[?4h DECSCLMScrolling mode smooth
\e[?4l DECSCLMScrolling mode jump
\e[?5h DECSCNMScreen mode Reverse
\e[?5l DECSCNMScreen mode Normal
\e[?6h DECOMOrigin mode Relative
\e[?6l DECOMOrigin mode Absolute
\e[?7h DECAWMAutowrap on
\e[?7l DECAWMAutowrap off
\e[?8h DECARMAuto repeat on
\e[?8l DECARMAuto repeat off
\e[?25h DECTCEMCursor visible on
\e[?25l DECTCEMCursor visible off
\e[?69h DECVSSMLeft right margin on
\e[?69l DECVSSMLeft right margin off
\e[?437h Encoding/cp437mode cp437
\e[?437l Encoding/cp437mode utf8
\e[?1000h Mouse reporting on
\e[?1000l Mouse reporting off
\e[?1002h Mouse drag on
\e[?1002l Mouse drag off
\e[?1003h Mouse all on
\e[?1003l Mouse all off
\e[?1006h Mouse decimal on
\e[?1006l Mouse decimal off
\e[?1049h Alt screen on
\e[?1049l Alt screen off
\e[?1010h scroll on output on
\e[?1010l scroll on output off
\e[?2004h bracketed paste on
\e[?2004l bracketed paste off
\e[?201h ctx-events on
\e[?201l ctx-events off
\e[?200h ctx ascii on
ctx ascii
\e[4h IRMInsert Mode Insert
\e[4l IRMInsert Mode Replace
\e[12h SRMLocal echo on
\e[12l SRMLocal echo off
\e[20h LNMCarriage Return on LF/Newline on
\e[20l LNMCarriage Return on LF/Newline off
\e[0mStyle reset
\e[4:2mDouble underscore
\e[4:3mCurvy underscore
\e[6mBlink Fast
\e[10mFont 0
\e[11mFont 1
\e[12mFont 2(ignored)
\e[13mFont 3(ignored)
\e[14mFont 4(ignored)
\e[22mBold off
\e[23mItalic off
\e[24mUnderscore off
\e[25mBlink off
\e[26mProportional spacing
\e[27mReverse off
\e[28mHidden off
\e[29mStrikethrough off
\e[30mblack text color
\e[31mred text color
\e[32mgreen text color
\e[33myellow text color
\e[34mblue text color
\e[35mmagenta text color
\e[36mcyan text color
\e[37mlight gray text color
\e[38;5;Pnm256 color index foreground color
where Pn is 0-15 is system colors 16-(16+6*6*6) is a 6x6x6 RGB cube and in the end a grayscale without white and black.
\e[38;2;Pr;Pg;Pbm24 bit RGB foreground color each of Pr Pg and Pb have 0-255 range
\e[39mdefault text color
\e[40mblack background color
\e[41mred background color
\e[42mgreen background color
\e[43myellow background color
\e[44mblue background color
\e[45mmagenta background color
\e[46mcyan background color
\e[47mlight gray background color
\e[48;5;Pnm256 color index background color
where Pn is 0-15 is system colors 16-(16+6*6*6) is a 6x6x6 RGB cube and in the end a grayscale without white and black.
\e[48;2;Pr;Pg;Pbm24 bit RGB background color
Where Pr Pg and Pb have 0-255 range
\e[49mdefault background color
\e[50mProportional spacing off
\e[55mNot Overlined
\e[90mdark gray text color
\e[91mlight red text color
\e[92mlight green text color
\e[93mlight yellow text color
\e[94mlight blue text color
\e[95mlight magenta text color
\e[96mlight cyan text color
\e[97mwhite text color
\e[100mdark gray background color
\e[101mlight red background color
\e[102mlight green background color
\e[103mlight yellow background color
\e[104mlight blue background color
\e[105mlight magenta background color
\e[106mlight cyan background color
\e[107mwhite background color